Monday, March 07, 2011

The Libya Disaster

Does anyone think there is an easy way forward in Libya? Anyone? Bueller?

America's principles would call for us to support the rebels trying to overthrow the crazed Libyan dictator Muammar Gadhafi. But most Democrats threw out those principles when they called America's battle to remove the crazed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein "immoral" and "a war crime." And now the Democrats are running the country.

In a replay of Jimmy Carter, circa 1979, look for America to be slow to help people who like us and quick to support rebels who don't like us.

Of course, because Obama's groupies were made up of the same loony lefties who claimed that we went into Iraq simply to steal its oil, a blatant falsehood perpetrated by unserious people (such as Obama himself), look for the soaring price of oil to fail to trigger any alarms in the White House. Except that now those groupies worship the One, the Only, the Nobel Peace Prize Winner Barack Obama . . . and he's certain to be a one-termer if he doesn't do something about the soaring cost. What will he do?

Vote "present", of course.

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