Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hello again?

Why do I only intermittently feel like blogging? Perhaps because this year has been a total trade-off of good news and bad news? The good news of the Scott Brown election being tempered by the bad news of the bloated health care bill being passed with only Democratic support using the reconciliation gambit? Or the mixed news of the death of the estate tax (a stupid, if temporary and perhaps still to be rescinded, loss of revenue) and the continuing stall of the tax extenders bill? And the continuing stalemates on the "doc fix" and the so-called "financial reform" bill? And the foolishness on carried interest? Why don't I want to blog about this nonsense?

Perhaps I have caught Obama's pernicious indifference to what happens to America. Anyway, even if that's the cause, maybe I can find a cure.

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