Thursday, September 04, 2008

Name that party!

The crroked, perjuring mayor of Detroit, Kwama Kilpatrick, had to resign in a plea bargain that requires him to serve 120 days behind bars. Guess what party he's a member of!

The Detroit Free Press isn't going to tell you. The !NY Times at least includes it -- in the very last paragraph of its story, along with mitigating information that his opponents in Detroit City Council are also Democrats.

Must mean he's a Democrat, because the press can't wait to trumpet "Republican" in appropriate articles -- such as discussing the 17-year-old daughter of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, where the NY Post couldn't even get 10 words in without using "Republican" -- and the Post is supposed to lean to the right.

Over the next two months, you'll hear lots of Democrats whine that they are targeted unfairly as biased toward Democrats. Treat such whines the way that you would treat any other partisan BS.

I actually know a radical left-winger who complained to a sympathetic audience of lefties that the press was all Republican. When I challenged her to name more than a token Republican on any major paper, she named Thomas Friedman, the NY Times columnist that supported the start of the Iraq War -- but also supported Gore, Kerry and now Obama. When I challened this, her response was that he was so conservative that Democrats didn't want him.

So much for Democrat "inclusiveness."

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